Monday 26 April 2010

Cast List/Location Report/Props

Cast List

Charlie Bennett- Big Tony

Christian Jenner- Jake

Luigi is the man shown at the end of the clip who kicks the fallen man. Jake is the man who is shown running holding the briefcase and Big Tony is the man shown chasing Jake.

Location Report

The settings we will be using will be rustic pathways along a canal, and in woodlands and finally along a road. We use these settings to simulate a setting where not many people are present to conduct the crime is as much anonymity as possible. All of these locations are fully public and require no permission to use for filming. We decided not to use some extras as we felt that as this is a crime film it would give the audience the wrong perception about what sort of crime is conducted throughout the film.

All of the scenes filmed within Market Drayton, Shropshire, which is a rural as possible that we could reach.

Costume and props list

· Costumes-

Basic everyday clothing with athletic license.

· Props:

Mixed Herbs- These were brought from a household kitchen, they didn’t cost a thing.

Brief case- This was also brought from a household attic

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