Monday 26 April 2010

Summary of ideas

Our film will be a gangster/action crime movie. We will use a wide range of mis-en-scene that will range from herbs to brief cases.

The first scene will see a man on the phone being shouted at by someone. He is explaining that he has lost his money. The audience don’t see who he is talking to but we hear a voice that says something like “How did you manage that?” We then go to a flashback.

The flashback will start with two characters running down a road. The camera will take an aerial shot which we will suspend from a bridge. As the two characters run under the bridge the camera will follow them. The audience will have no idea what is going on. The character running away will have a briefcase in his hand.

As the chase proceeds the character being chased will jump into the woodland on the side of the road. The person being chased will check under his jacket for something and pulls out a bag. In the bag the audience will see what they think is a bag of marijuana but is really a bag of oregano which looks exactly the same. Now the audience knows that drugs are involved and understand that this is serious case. As the man doing the chasing reaches the point where the other character jumped into the woodland he looks around trying to catch a glimpse of something.

When he doesn’t find anything he storms off, the guy in the woodland thinks he is in the clear and so gets up and starts running onto the road again. The camera will aim at him running towards it while looking behind him. When the character turns around he falls flat on his face and relinquishes grip on the briefcase in his hand.

The camera then acts as it is the characters eyes, in a point of view shot, as we look at a pair of black shoes. As the camera looks up we see a man dressed very smartly he says calmly to him something like “I want my money” snatches the briefcase and drugs and kicks him in the face. At this point the screen goes black just like the character has been knocked out. This will be the two minute introduction to our film.

Our film will film will typify an action/gangster film as it has drugs and violence in it.

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